Sex & Art

Being nude. Reclaiming a sense of self through art modeling

Have you always been interested in what it is like to be naked in front of people who look at you constantly? For 2 hours? Are you interested in what is going on in the head of an art model before during and after a session? Then this episode is for you.

Last week I met Danna, a former artistic gymnast, and skilled costume designer from Glasgow in Scotland for an interview to talk about her main job as an art model.  Coming from a long line of artists there are many perspectives that influence Danna's work.  Making the world a better place from wherever you stand in life seems to be an important aspect. And one way she is doing that is by showing up as her vulnerable self in her life drawing sessions.

 Without the world of life drawing going online, I probably wouldn't have met Danna.  Today, she is one of the most inspiring models I ever had the chance to draw and I am looking forward to times when I can meet and draw her in person. Thanks, Danna for your time, and for being.

(PS: The cover image of this podcast is in fact a painting I made inspired by so many session with her I participated in.)

If you want to check Danna out or book her for a session you find her here:

We mentioned a few fellow artists during the chat.
You can find them here:

Life Drawing with Sketcherei

Costume Design

Recorded by: Siri Berlin

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If you would like to know more about my practice as sex therapist and artist don't hesitate to contact me.

You can find me here:
Insta: @siriberlin