Sex & Art
Welcome lovely humans, to my podcast „Sex and Art“. I am an artist and sex therapist from Berlin, living in Linköping, Sweden. In this podcast I combine my passion for art and sex with my passion for very interesting people. Throughout my life, I met so many wise, crazy, lovely, exciting, and interesting people and I had tons of inspiring conversations. And I want to bring these conversations to you. I’ll talk with artists, dancers, comedians, musicians, programmers, managers, writers, bodyworkers as well as tantrics, healers, priests, or just someone I deeply fell in love with. In every episode, you'll be allowed a peek into their world and we find out how they connect to art and sex. For me these two notions - art and sex - describe life. Some episodes you will find to be more about sex, some will be more about art, and recently therapy plays a big role, too. If you want to support this podcast please share, like and subscribe. Welcome home. Siri Berlin PS: If you want to know more about my work as an artist and sexologist you can have a look at my homepages or social media:
Sex Therapy:
Sex & Art
Transition in neue Männlichkeiten - (in German)
In dieser Episode treffe ich den wunderbaren Alexander Hahne (er/ihm) aus Hamburg.
Alexander arbeitet als Referent für sexuelle Gesundheit für trans und nicht-binäre Menschen, Sexological Bodyworker und als Begleiter für Körperwahrnehmung. Außerdem ist er leidenschaftlicher (Butoh) Tänzer.
Alexander schreibt auch über seine Arbeit rund um Körper und Sexualität. Am 06.11.2024 erschien gemeinsam mit Daniel Holtermann das Buch „Männlichkeit (ver)lernen. Anleitung zur Selbstverantwortung.“.
In dieser Episode diskutieren wir über Männerbilder, Ideen von Männlichkeit und was hilfreich sein kann, um als Individuum und Gesellschaft zu vielfältigen, positiven und zukunftsfähigen Männlichkeiten zu kommen. Das klingt doch spannend...
Alexander freut sich über Kontaktaufnahme über seine
oder Instagram: @alexander_hahne
Hier der Link zu Alexanders Materialkarten zu "Was ist eigentlich eine Transition?"
Und zum Buch: "Männlichkeit (ver) lernen. Anleitung zur Selbstverantwortung."
Weitere interssante Videos und Buchempfehlungen zum Thema Männlichleit
Bücher erwähnt im Podcast:
JJ Bola: Mask off. Masculinity Redefined
(gibt es auch auf Deutsch)
Amara Charles: The sexual practices of quodoushka
Videos erwähnt im Podcast:
PATRIARCHY, TOXIC MASCULINITY and MISOGYNY Part 1 : the psychology and belief structure. ???
Oppressor to ally: a spectrum of TOXIC MASCULINITY. Patriarchy series Part 2.
©Siri Berlin 2024
In this episode I meet the wonderful Alexander Hahne (he/him) from Hamburg.
Alexander works as a sexological bodyworker and somatic counselor (body awareness). He is also a passionate (Butoh) dancer, sexual health speaker for trans and non-binary people.
Alexander also writes about his work around body and sexuality. On 06.11.2024 the book “Männlichkeit (ver) lernen. Anleitung zur Selbstverantwortung.” was published which he co-authored with Daniel Holtermann.
In this episode, we discuss images of men, ideas of masculinity and what can be helpful to achieve healthy, positive and sustainable masculinities as individuals and as a society.
Alexander is happy to be contacted via his
or Instagram: @alexander_hahne
Thanks, dear listeners, for spending time with us. Please like, share and subscribe to help us grow this channel.
If you would like to know more about my practice as sex therapist and artist don't hesitate to contact me.
You can find me here:
Insta: @siriberlin